How Tori Got Her


What People Are Saying


How Tori Got Her Wings
is a feast for the eyes and good medicine for aching hearts. This is a great book for veterinarians to recommend to their clients who are grieving the loss of a pet.

— Jeff Wells, DVM,
author of internationally published
All My Patients Have Tales and
All My Patients Kick and Bite.


What a beautiful and heartwarming tale of Tori. She is truly an angel who has now earned her wings. If you’ve ever lost a pet, this book will make you see their passing in a remarkably different light.

— Peggy R. Hoyt, Attorney, author of
All My Children Wear Fur Coats:
How to Leave a Legacy for Your Pet
, Founder of Animal Care Trust USA, Inc.


What a remarkable work of art!  How Tori Got Her Wings is stunning from the first page to the last.  The text and the illustrations are a magnificent testament to a canine whose whole persona is pure joy and love offered so completely, so generously and without condition.  Each description of Tori, every beautiful illustration reinforces what a treasure dogs are in our lives, how their spontaneity, loyalty, devotion, and wisdom teach us to be better people.  I fell in love with Tori right away, was sad when she became old, and yet, without tears, rejoiced when she achieved her wings because I knew Tori’s spirit lived on.  There is nothing more reassuring than that. Perfect for both children and adults, How Tori Got Her Wings is timeless, a treasure that should be in every home.

— Rita Reynolds, author of Blessing the Bridge, What Animals Teach Us About Death, Dying and Beyond, and Not Only When the Rain Falls, Adventures in Awakening.


Read it again!…
Do all dogs get wings?…
Do people get wings?

— Henry, 3 years old, after Mom read him How Tori Got Her Wings.